
Botanical Wallpaper

Botanical wallpaper models offer many trends and design options. Explore the natural side of flowers and plants with stylish botanical designs. From verticals to horizontals, from alpine to tropical motifs – there are thousands of different ways to realize your individual vision for your living room, dining room or bedroom. Discover our botanical style guide, which includes design tips for creating a nature-inspired atmosphere in your home.

Features of Botanical Wallpaper

  • Exotic fruit

Exotic fruit such as pineapples, bananas and oranges show up in bright, appetising colours. The pattern can also consist of an image of a precise fruit which is repeated, or combined with one-of-a-kind tropical elements, e.g. animals and plants.

  • Palm trees

Lush palm trees in a plethora of shades of green, in gold or black-and-white enhance many superb botanical wallpapers. Palm fronds are moreover often placed in symmetrical or freely associated arrangements, which add a beautiful exoticism to the room.

  • Tropical leaves

Certain tropical plant and palm species are characterised by way of way of significant leaves, which as a botanical wallpaper pattern motif signify a lush inexperienced abundance. Anthurium, monstera, oleander, and philodendron are in reality a few gorgeous examples of these chiefly large-scale elements.

Features of Botanical Wallpaper Features of Botanical Wallpaper
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